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Home ▷ CDs / DVDs ▷ UFO ... Contact from the Pleiades: A Supplementary Investigation Report  ** E-book Version **

~The Original Book~
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UFO ... Contact from the Pleiades: A Supplementary Investigation Report
** E-book Version **
Author:Wendelle Stevens Original Publish Date:1989 Language: English (Sample Sample Photos:Over 170 Pages:553 Original ISBN-10:096085584X E-book Production:They Fly Productions Media Format:CD-ROM Text Format:PDF Text Reader:Adobe Reader Weight:Approx. 40g (with simple clear clamshell case) Price:HK$175  /  CN¥168   Order    Postage 
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※ Introduction ※

The Supplementary Investigation Report goes even further than The Preliminary Investigation Report, with Wendelle Stevens recounting many previously unpublished and mysterious details of the investigation and of Meier’s life and adventures. Of special interest are Stevens’ reports of the ongoing observation of not only Meier and his associates but also the investigators, by governmental intelligence agencies from various countries. Stevens reports how these operatives knew the team’s every move and destination and routinely picked them up overseas and interrogated them. He reports how they also copied Meier’s UFO photos before releasing the investigators! While the “official” position has been to ignore or dismiss the Meier case as a hoax, the truth—as Stevens and his team found out—is that the case was (and still is) taken very seriously at the highest levels of intelligence.

A five-page letter to Stevens, from a former U.S. intelligence agent, revealing the inner workings and protocols of the intelligence community pertaining to the Meier case, and their acknowledgment of its authenticity, is both disturbing and compelling. This agent’s understanding of the political and religious implications of the reality of UFOs, and the Meier case, rings true even today.

The existence of additional information, sufficient to warrant another 500+ pages of reporting by the investigative team, in and of itself confirms their opinion that the evidence exceeds even the most remote possibility of a hoax. And after more than 8 years of investigation, with no collaborators, finances or technology to perpetrate such a hoax available to the one-armed Meier, the Meier case certainly stands as not only the most important, validated UFO case but also the most important story in human history.

This e-book contains the entire 553 pages of the original Supplementary Investigation Report, first published in 1989, revealing a very serious and thorough investigation by top level professionals. It also contains several dozen clear color photos, of up to four UFOs at a time, taken by Meier. (The original book is now an out-of-print collector’s item.)

Detailed summary of contents for Stevens’ Supplementary Investigation Report:
Chapter 1Asket and the DALs17
Chapter 2Asket Influences Meier's Preparation23
Chapter 3Aboard the DAL Spacecraft31
The Mission48
Photographs of the remarkable ships52
Chapter 4 Hand-off to the Pleiadians
Stop Press
Scientists Aid To Find Cause Of Ozone Hole
Chapter 5 Aboard The mother-ship
And From Another Source
Nuclear energy and Planet Earth
The Process Of Nuclear Fission
Chapter 6 Other Atmospheric Planets
After The Hyperleap
Over Kartag with Semjase
Back aboard the Greatspacer Mother-Ship
Chapter 7 Other Pleiadian UFOnauts
Acaya, Peru
Bogota, Colombia
The Colombian story is briefly as follows
Comments from Wendelle Stevens
The Second Meeting
New Meeting
El Tocuyo, Venezuela
Letter From a Security Agent
Chapter 8The Spacecraft Landing Tracks213
Chapter 9The Spacecraft Photographs221

Appendix IThe UFO Movies237
Appendix II35mm Slide Still Photos297
Appendix IIISpacecraft Sounds Recorded455
Appendix IVSpacecraft “Landing” Sites464
A Strange Event536
Dilettoso Defends The Case546